Hotel Anne de Bretagne
Contact Hotel in Vannes
+33 (0)2 97 54 22 19
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Hotel Anne de Bretagne
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tres bon hotel . bemol : desinfecter mieux(javel) les toilettes , pour enlever les [...]
Voisins un peu bruyants, mais un accueil toujours au top comme le petit déjeuner. Merci encore, [...]
Un hôtel situé très central à une proximité très proche de la gare et aussi [...]
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General terms and conditions of sale


These general booking terms apply to individual guests (excluding group bookings) for any booking request made on Hotel** Anne de Bretagne’s website, directly at the Hotel Anne de Bretagne itself, or by phoning Hotel Anne de Bretagne. They are inherent to the agreement.
The guest certifies that they have read the general terms and conditions of sale.
Consequently, any booking implies that they fully and unconditionally accept all the provisions of Hotel** Anne de Bretagne’s terms of sale.
However, any amendments made to the terms after the confirmation of a booking are not applicable.

Checking into and Checking out of the Hotel and Any Possible Additional Costs.

The room lets begin at 3.00 pm on the day the guest checks in and end at 11.00 am on the day they check out. In the case of a check out after 11.00 am, a supplement will be charged:
  • From 11.00 am to 12.30 pm →15 Euros.
  • Beyond 12.30 pm → the price of an overnight stay.

Reception closes at 8.00 pm. For this reason, you must inform the hotel if you intend to check in after the reception desk has closed, so that we can provide you with an access code to the hotel, as well as your room number.
If you do not inform us of your late arrival (after 8.00 pm) before the reception desk closes, this will be deemed a no show, and no show terms will apply.

Price display

All prices are displayed in Euros (€). VAT is always included. The price displayed is increased by a visitor's tax, amounting to 0.90 € per adult per night, set by the Town of Vannes, which is payable on site. Some services may entail an extra charge.

Methods of payment

Payment Methods Accepted: VISA and Mastercard credit cards, Amex cards, French cheques, Chèques vacances (holiday cheques) together with proof of identity (passport/identity card) and cash. A credit card will secure your booking. Nothing will be debited except in the cases mentioned below. You will be required to pay the full amount of the stay when you check into the hotel. Exception: the credit card will be debited immediately in the following instances: If the booking is a special offer requiring prepayment straight away (i.e. offers that cannot be changed or cancelled). In this case, the amount drawn as a security is the entire amount of the stay. If the booking is made through our website, the cost of the services booked is payable immediately. In the case of a booking where the full amount is debited immediately, some taxes, services and extras must be paid on site. The amount debited when you book only includes the services payable on booking and visitor's tax is always paid at the hotel. In all other instances, you will pay your stay directly at the hotel. The hotel reserves the right to consider your booking to be cancelled if the credit card data used to secure payment or as payment proves to be incorrect. If necessary, the hotel reserves the right to claim damages. If a guest should check in or check out outside of reception hours, a remote sales transaction will be carried out for the amount of the booking, including the visitor’s tax.

Preauthorisation and Prepayment

The hotel may ask for a credit card preauthorisation for the amount of the booking and any additional services. This is to check the solvency of the account, and it is also a security for cancellations according to the terms below.


When booking, the hotel can ask you to pay a deposit, in addition to the security of the credit card provided. The booking only becomes firm once the payment of the deposit has been received by the hotel keeper. After paying a deposit, the balance of the booking is payable to the hotel keeper directly on site.

Sending a Booking Confirmation

For any booking through the internet, you will receive a confirmation email. It will be sent to the email you gave when you made your booking. It is up to you to check that you have received this email and, if need be, contact us if you have not received it.

Changing a Booking

Bookings can be changed (change of stay dates, names, number of people, type or number of rooms, etc.), except when the prices offered mention “non modifiable”. They are subject to the same timeframes as cancellations (cf. § “Booking cancellation terms) if the change concerns the cancellation of a certain number of overnight stays. In such a case, the rules related to booking cancellations apply.

Booking Cancellations

For any booking cancellation, we ask you to send the hotel an email during opening hours, so that we can process it and take your request into account (even if you cancel by telephone). Please send it to the following address: contact@annedebretagne-vannes.com. In the event of a dispute in relation to a cancellation date, this will provide a written trace of your cancellation, which we will be able to provide as proof (i.e. proof of an email being sent, mentioning the date and time).

Booking Cancellation Terms

The cancellation terms for bookings are as follows:
  • For any stay of 2 nights or under: There are no fees for cancellations if they are made 48 hours in advance of the check in date. You will be invoiced the first night if you cancel any later than 48 hours in advance of the check in date.
  • For any stay of 3 nights or more: There are no fees for cancellations if they are made 72 hours in advance of the check in date. If you cancel any later than this, you will be invoiced 50% of the amount of the stay.

No refunds will be made if you terminate your stay, whatever its length. Similarly, in the event of an early departure, the full amount of the stay must be paid.
The fees mentioned above can be drawn by the hotel keeper using the credit card preauthorization/prepayment arranged on booking.

Invoicing in the Event of a Late Cancellation or No Show

In the event of a late cancellation (outside the cancellation period incurring no costs) or of a no show, the hotel keeper can debit the credit card you gave to secure your booking. You will be provided with an invoice on request. If the hotel is unable to debit this credit card, we will contact you to ask you for the details of another credit card or to send us a payment by cheque.

Booking by a Service Provider exterior to the Hotel Anne de Bretagne

With the exception of bookings for 6 people or more, the group conditions of the hotel apply.
To manage bookings, cancellations or modifications, please contact the service provider in question and refer to the terms of sale you were sent by them.

Supplementary terms and conditions for groups (6 people or more) and long stays (bookings of over 3 days)

You will be sent a quote for any booking, which you must send back to us signed and dated, adding the wording “read, approved and agreed”, with the payment of a deposit of a third of the stay, along with the terms and conditions of sale, which you must accept. The full payment must be made three weeks in advance of the day the stay starts.
For bookings of over 6 people, you will be asked to pay a deposit of a third of the stay and to accept the terms and conditions of sale. The full payment must be made three weeks in advance of the day the stay starts.
Any request to change or cancel a booking must be made in writing by email. If the request is made outside the terms and conditions of sale, the Hotel Anne De Bretagne will decide how to proceed.

Policies Applying to Anyone Staying at the Hotel Anne de Bretagne

It is prohibited to:
  • Smoke in the hotel
  • Have meals delivered to your room
  • Cook in your room
  • Anyone who is rude will be asked to leave the premises, without being entitled to any type of refund.
  • Any damage will incur the cost of the repairs along with the cost of the number of nights the room cannot be let.


Pets are not allowed

Force Majeure

By force majeure, the hotel means any unforeseeable and insurmountable event, unrelated to the parties, that prevents either the guest, travellers, agency or the service providers organising the trip from performing all or part of the obligations of this agreement. This applies, in particular, in the event of a transport or hotel staff strike, uprisings, riots or any other event prohibited by the Government or public authorities. It is expressly agreed that force majeure suspends the parties' performance of their mutual obligations. At the same time, each of the parties will bear the cost of any expenses incurred as a result of force majeure. Consequently, the travellers alone will bear any additional costs incurred to continue the journey due to a case of force majeure.

Right of withdrawal

We remind the guest that, in compliance with article L. 121-21-8 12° of the French Consumer Code, they do not have the right of withdrawal provided for in the articles L. 121-21 et seq. of the Consumer Code.
Consequently, the services ordered are subject exclusively to these terms and conditions of sale, which specify the booking cancellation and/or modification terms, and the guest may not invoke their right to withdraw.

Register of personal data

When you book a stay in our hotel, your personal data is stored in our guest register by our hotel management software THAIS. We use this data to confirm your bookings, invoice you, inform you about our terms and conditions of sale and check in, send you our hotel offers and ask you to contribute to a satisfaction survey. Some of your data, such as emails, is used by Guest Suite, which manages our guest surveys and reviews. If you do not want us to keep this data, please could you make this request in writing by email to contact@annedebretagne-vannes.com


Any complaint connected to a booking, a stay, the non-performance or poor performance of services by the Hotel Anne de Bretagne, must be sent to the hotel by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, under penalty of foreclosure, within a period of 15 days of the final check out date.
Beyond this period, no complaint can be taken into account.
Insofar as is possible, Hotel Anne de Bretagne will attempt to settle the dispute amicably in accordance with the parties' interests.

Commercial Mediation

After having referred the matter to the reservations department and in the absence of a satisfactory response within a reasonable period of time, the guest may refer the matter to the Tourism and Travel Mediator, whose contact details and procedures are available on the following website: www.mtv.travel
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